Tax Law

Analyzed Tax Jurisprudence

The Cabinet Pierre Abadie publishes in French and partially in English all the tax texts of Burkina Faso. The firm also compiles and provides commentary on tax texts in its publications.


Update : Dec. 2022
Cabinet Pierre Abadie

The firm publishes the following works:

  • This Analysis of Case Law from the Council of State and Administrative Court of Ouagadougou,
  • Labor Law for Oil Companies
  • Labor Law for Transport Auxiliaries
  • Labor Law for Journalism Professionals
  • Labor Law for Commercial Professionals
  • Simplified French Labor Law for All Professions
  • Labour regulations
  • Labour Regulations
  • Tax Handbook
  • International Taxation and Burkina Faso
  • Business taxation
  • Tax Regulations
  • The Essentials of Burkinabé Taxation
  • Mining Regulations
  • Customs Regulations Volume 1: All Applicable Texts
  • Customs Regulations Volume 2: ECOWAS Common External Tariff
  • All Official Texts on the Environment
  • Guide to Urban Planning and Construction
  • Tax and Social Forms
  • Public Procurement Regulations
  • Consumer Regulations
  • Regulations on Communication and Literary and Artistic Property

For Niger, they have produced a Tax Handbook.

Today, it has become essential to also have the perspective of legal practitioners, especially those specializing in tax law, through the decisions rendered in this field by the Administrative Court of Ouagadougou and the higher administrative jurisdiction, which is the Council of State.

This compilation gathers the tax jurisprudence of the Council of State, from its inception to April 2012, as well as that of the Administrative Court of Ouagadougou between 1999 and February 2015. It is intended for use by legal specialists, practitioners, as well as students.